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greeting cards in Germany

Greeting Cards
Wedding Invitations
Memorial Stationary
Easter Cards
Advent Calenders
Christmas Cards
New Year Greeting Cards

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Wedding Cards

You are going to marry? Are you looking for individual invitation cards?
Kettcards offers wedding cards and wedding invitations according to your wishes.
Designed by various artists and graphic designers. Exclusively for Kettcards.

Please click on the motif for further information and a larger view of the card.

sober Wedding Invitations sober Wedding Invitations sober Wedding Invitations sober Wedding Invitations sober Wedding Invitations sober Wedding Invitations
Wedding Invitations Wedding Invitations Wedding Cards Wedding party menu cards Wedding Cards Thank you, Wedding Cards
Queer Wedding Invitations Wedding Invitations Wedding Invitations Wedding Invitations Wedding Invitations Queer Wedding Invitations
Wedding Invitations Wedding Invitations Wedding Invitations Wedding Invitations Wedding Invitation cards with a red rose Wedding Invitation cards with a red rose
hand in hands, invitation cards hand in hands, red invitation cards

Having babies - with or without getting married

After your marriage you are having a baby? Or you are just going to have a baby? Let your family and friends know!

Please click on the motif for further information and a larger view of the card.

Birth Announcement Birth Announcement Birth Announcement Birth Announcement Birth Announcement Birth Announcement
Birth Announcement

If you wish to have an individually created design, please send us a description of any ideas you would like to incorporate and the style in which it should be created. We will reply at the first opportunity.

Wedding Invitations - Hochzeitskarten, german version

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