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International Christmas Greetings, Christmas Stationery Paper

International Christmas Greetings

internationales Weihnachtspapier, Weihnachtsgrüße in 14 Sprachen

detail of the stationery

Christmas Stationery Paper, Astrid Benner: International Christmas Greetings

paper sheet
DIN A4 (29,7 x 21 cm)
offset printing 4/0
Munken Lynx 90 g/qm
Item-Id: bpasbe001

The red bar says "Merry Christmas" in Chinese (Mandarin).
Christmas and New Year greetings in different languages are light and delicate in the background:
Fröhliche Weihnachten (German), Merry Christmas (English), Joyeux Noel (French), С Новым Годом (Russian), Feliz Navidad (Spanish), God Jul (Skandinavien), Hyvää Joulua (Finnish), Buon Natale (Italian), Vrolijk Kerstfeest (Dutch), Boas Festas (Portuguese), Wesolych Swiat (Polish), Feliz Natal (Portuguese), Kellemes Karácsonyi Ünnepeket (Hungarian).

How to order:

Please contact us. Perhaps you already write some details (How many sheets of christmas paper? with imprinting? with envelopes?)
We will send you an offer!

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Weihnachts-Briefpapier, deutsche Version

more information: christmas stationery paper | Astrid Benner

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