Carolin Gödeke
Born 1973 in Munich.
1994 - 2000 Studies of Fine Arts at HdK Berlin and Kunstakademie München (Painting, Video, Performance), Diploma 2000,
Prof. Klaus vom Bruch.
1999 - 2004 Studies of Classical Indian Dance Bharata natyam, R. Ramesh Academy for Performing Arts, Berlin.
Intensive-Studies in India.
2004 - 2005 Scholarship by Indian Council for Cultural Relations for Classical Indian Dance, Ponnaiah Lalitakala Academy,
Bangalore, India
Carolin Gödeke works as a freelance-artist and dance-performer and as a teacher for Jugend im Museum e.V. (Guided Tours
and Workshops in Museums). She teaches Indian Dance at studio a compas, Berlin
Solo-Performances and Solo-Exhibitions (Choice): Indian Embassy, Berlin; International Festival of Arts, Bangalore, India;
Gallery Weißer Elefant, Berlin; Ethnological Museum, Berlin; Intercultural Week, Erfurt; aspekte gallery Gasteig,
Munich; Shivaratri-Festival, Bangalore, India.
Publication of cartoons in magazines and newspapers: Junge Welt, Szene Hamburg, Ab 40, Edition wasser im turm.
Cartoon Portraiture at Events: Carolin Gödeke is drawing your portrait as a cartoon and also integrates the
impressions and information she gets from the dialogue with the portrayed person. She either works at a table, so that the
people can address her directly, or on a stage where the audience can witness the creation of the drawing.
Honorary: 70 Euros per hour, in addition to material costs. For events outside of Berlin, the travelling costs have to to
be paid as well.